01 April, 2008

Vinegar and how it can be your household friend

For years I was like many other people when it came to cleaning the house. I used those harsh chemicals that you buy in the store, that say they are the best cleaner for this and that, and every time I would clean, especially the bathrooms I would develop horrific migraines. I always felt that having to open the window while I cleaned was a good sign that these cleaners were probably harmful to me. So I searched for a better solution and I found it, right in my kitchen.

White vinegar is an excellent alternative to using harsh cleaning products. Since it is a mild acid it helps dissolve dirt, grease and soap scum but is still gentle enough to use in everyday cleaning. Now not many people may like the idea of cleaning their entire house with vinegar. I personally happen to love the smell of vinegar (however my husband does not). So for those that don't like it, the smell will dissipate as the vinegar drys.

Here are just a few great tips and ways to use vinegar to help clean your house.

  • Soak your shower head in full-strength white vinegar over night to remove soap scum and hard water deposits.

  • Shine your chrome fixtures.

  • Clean the grout of your shower. Spray full-strength vinegar on the grout and let it sit then scrub with an old tooth brush.

  • Use undiluted vinegar to remove mildew and soap scum from your shower and tubs.
    Dish Washer & Dishes
  • Vinegar can be used to clean up detergent residue. Just run a cup of vinegar through a full cycle every month to keep fresh.

  • Use to clean up soap deposits on your sink

  • Clean water stains off glassware


  • Clean and deodorize the refrigerator by washing the inside with an equal mixture of white vinegar and water.


  • Remove perspiration odor and stains on clothing by spraying full-strength white vinegar on underarm or collar before placing in washing machine.


  • My other personal favorite is cleaning the microwave. You know how gross that can get. Mix a 1/2 cup vinegar and a 1/2 cup water in a microwave safe container. Then bring it to a boil in the microwave so it steams. Then just wipe down the inside of your microwave.
  • I personally use vinegar every time I clean our rabbits cage. Our rabbit is litter trained and I use it to clean up urine stains. It breaks down the urine like a champ and keeps the litter boxes fresh. Great for cat boxes as well.


  • Vinegar works great to clean of stubborn stains on the walls including crayon without stripping the paint. I typically use full-strength vinegar for this job.
    Windows & Mirrors
  • Dillute with water and place in a spray bottle to clean windows both inside and out as well as your mirrors.

As there are so many uses for white vinegar, we will start adding them to the site and this post with a "Tip of the Day". Please feel free to submit your tips.


fiona said...

great post ... i've always known you can use things like vinegar to do cleaning, but its great to find practical tips on what works :-)

Julena said...

These are great tips. I've just started using vinegar for cleaning the countertops in the kitchen. I find it just as effective as "chemicals" but much less offensive in terms of smell. (cheaper too :-) )